
Aquatic Plants of Florida

Common NameScientific NameSize PriceQtyIn Stock

Marsh Hay Cordgrass -Spartina patens 

Spartina patens
Yes 3,470 1.05 Ln 2

Yes 4,206 1.90 Ln 4
No 0 2.75 1g

Very popular perennial salt tolerant grass up to 2 feet. Found in Zones 7+. Grows in salt marshes, retention ponds, swales, ditches, and other coastal shorelines. Fire resistant. Yellow flower. Salt, flood and sun tolerance. Recruits quickly and helps stabilize soil.

Salt/Flood/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Marshes * Soil Stability * Low Height

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Panic Grass-Panicum amarum 

Panicum amarum
Yes 61,938 0.95 Ln 2

Rhizomatous perennial coastal grass. Recognized by its wide green grass blades and numerous pellet-like seed heads in late Summer. Habitats include: dunes, beaches, and coastal landscape. Landscape value. Reaches 3.5 ft. height. Seeds in late Summer to early Fall. Sun, drought, and salt tolerant. Often grows in and around Sea Oats and other beach plants. Found beyond Zones 7+.

Zones 7+ * Salt/Sun/Poor Soil/Drought Tolerance * Dune Habitats * Coastal Landscapes * Wildlife

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Railroad Vine-Ipomoea pes-caprae 

Ipomoea pes-caprae
Yes 21 2.15 Ln 2

A sprawling vine up to 120+ ft. with a brilliant purple flower. Vine is salt, wind, poor soil and drought tolerant. Grows up to 12 inches high. Landscape value in coastal areas. Habitats include coastal areas in Zones 7+, such as dunes and bay beaches. Spreads vegetatively and by seeds in Summer and Fall. Excellent for dune restoration. Attractive to butterflies.

Zones 7+ * Sun/Salt/Wind/Drought/Poor Soil Tolerance * Landscape Value * Southeast

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Red Mangroves -Rhizophora mangle 

Rhizophora mangle
Yes 10,000 2.15 Ln TT

Yes 1,684 7.65 1g
Yes 90 14.30 3g
Yes 522 38.50 7g

Salt tolerant tree that reaches max 65 ft. Used for coastal shoreline plantings. Recognized by its large spider-like prop roots and close proximity to water from other species. Habitats include inland waters such as bays, brackish shorelines, canals, and tidal swamps. Found Zones 9+. Significant wildlife habitat. Wave and wind break. Used extensively for soil stabilization in tropics worldwide. Most popular of mangrove family.

Zones 9+ * Flood/Wind/Salt/Sun Tolerance * Coastal Shores * Soil Stabilization * Wildlife Habitat

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Salt Grass-Distichlis spicata 

Distichlis spicata
Yes 2,991 0.90 Ln 2

Yes 64 1.55 Ln 4

Perennial grass found in coastal areas such as marshes, brackish rivers, and other saltwater shorelines. Salt, sun, poor soil, and drought tolerant. Grass can reach 2 ft. and rhizomes spread out to form dense colonies. Found on slight elevations. Has spike-like blades and narrow, dense spikelets. Found in Zones 7+. Offers dense ground cover and soil stability. Often found in mono-colonies.

Zones 7+ * Salt/Sun/Poor Soil/Drought/Flood Tolerance * Erosion Control * Ground Control

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