
Aquatic Plants of Florida

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Beach Elder -Iva imbricata 

Iva imbricata
Yes 9,228 1.25 Ln 2

Woody shrub that is salt, poor soil, and drought tolerant. Grows up to 3.5 ft. Landscape value. Habitats include coastal areas in Zones 8+, such as upper dunes, bay beaches, mangrove areas, and salt marshes. Commonly identified by its saw-toothed, lance-shaped leaves. Spreads vegetatively and by seeds in Summer to Fall. Thick colonies are common. Excellent for dune restoration. Wildlife food source.

Salt/Sun/Wind/Drought/Poor Soil Tolerance * Landscape Value * Zones 8+

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Blue Eyed Grass- Sisyrinchium angustifolium 

Sisyrinchium angustifolium

No 0 1.20 Ln 4

Perennial with flattened, leaf-like flowering stems growing up to 18 in. long and bearing light-blue, star-shaped flowers a few inches above the leaves. Zones 3-10.

Sun/Part-Shade/Wet/Moist Tolerant * Showy Blue Flowers * Zones 3-10

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Broomsedge-Andropogon virginicus 

Andropogon virginicus
Yes 1,500 1.00 Ln 2

Perennial grass that can reach 5+ ft. Produces silver bluish green foliage. Seeds in summer months. Yellow flower. Drought, fire and sun tolerant; Found in wetlands, marginal lakes and ponds, brackish to fresh water sites, and adapts to uplands. Grows throughout Florida and in Zones 7+.

Tall Grass * Wet Areas * Full Sun * Restoration Value * Adapts to Various Soil Conditions * Zones 7+

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Bushy Bluestem-Andropogon glomeratus 

Andropogon glomeratus
Yes 4,500 0.80 Ln 2

Tall "bushy" perennial grass that reaches 5+ ft. Grows in uplands, roadsides, edges of wetlands, and margins of lakes and ponds. Produces pinkish inflorescence. Found throughout Florida and Zones 7-10. Sun and various soil conditions tolerant. Used for restoration projects.

Tall Grass * Screens Objects * Restoration Value * Various Soil Conditions * Zones 7-10

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Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass-Tripsacum floridanum 

Tripsacum floridanum
Yes 3,354 1.40 Ln 4

Yes 500 2.25 1g

Dark green perennial used for habitat restoration and landscapes. Reaches up to 2+ feet in ideal soil and moisture conditions. Wider/rolled leaves versus flat/narrow leaves on regular Fakahatchee. Found in Zones 8+, though native to only South Florida. Grows among rocky limestone pinelands and scrubs. Moisture and sun tolerance. Naturally found on burned sites.

Sun/Fire/Drought Tolerance  Zones 8+ * Small-Medium Size * Landscape Value * Habitat

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