
Aquatic Plants of Florida

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Common NameScientific NameSize PriceQtyIn Stock

Beach Morning Glory-Ipomoea imperati 

Ipomoea imperati
Yes 12,058 1.95 Ln 2

A sprawling dune vine with a white flower. Vine is salt, wind, poor soil, and drought tolerant. Grows up to 6 inches high. Landscape value in coastal areas. Habitats include coastal areas in Zones 8+, such as dunes and bay beaches. Spreads vegetatively. Excellent for dune restoration. Attractive to butterflies.

Zones 8+ * Salt/Sun/Poor Soil Tolerance * Dunes * Coastal Beaches * Soil Stability * Low Height

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Knotgrass (Seashore Paspalum)-Paspalum vaginatum 

Paspalum vaginatum

Yes 4,153 0.85 Ln 2

Yes 423 2.25 1g

Salt tolerant coastal grass that reaches max 2.5 ft. Rhizomatous low mats used for coastal soil stabilization. Recognized by its spiked green grass blades and dense colonies. Habitats include: moist to wet coastal sites such as brackish to freshwater shorelines. Sun and salt tolerant. May adapt to upland coastal elevations with slower growth. Found Zones 7+.

Wet/Flood/Salt/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Coastal Shorelines * Soil Stabilization * Dense Mats

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Railroad Vine-Ipomoea pes-caprae 

Ipomoea pes-caprae
Yes 197 1.95 Ln 2

A sprawling vine up to 120+ ft. with a brilliant purple flower. Vine is salt, wind, poor soil and drought tolerant. Grows up to 12 inches high. Landscape value in coastal areas. Habitats include coastal areas in Zones 7+, such as dunes and bay beaches. Spreads vegetatively and by seeds in Summer and Fall. Excellent for dune restoration. Attractive to butterflies.

Zones 7+ * Sun/Salt/Wind/Drought/Poor Soil Tolerance * Landscape Value * Southeast

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Sea Purslane-Sesuvium portulacastrum 

Sesuvium portulacastrum
Yes 6,320 1.05 Ln 2

Perennial evergreen groundcover preferring sandy, well-drained soils. Glossy green leaves. Pink flowers bloom thoughout the year. Found on the ocean-side of dunes. This plant helps build dunes by catching sand in between its stems and leaves. Zones 9+.

Sun/Salt/Drought Tolerant * Zones 9+ * Small Pink Flowers * Groundcover

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Seashore Dropseed-Sporobolus virginicus 

Sporobolus virginicus

Yes 2,500 0.85 Ln 2

Short perennial used as a ground cover that reaches up to 1+ feet. Found in Zones 8+. Grows in marshes and other coastal shorelines. Often grows with Salt Grass. Salt, flood, poor soil and sun tolerance. Recruits quickly and helps stabilize soil.

Sun/Salt/Poor Soil/Drought Tolerance * Zones 8+ * Ground Cover * Coastal Plantings * Erosion Control

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