Buttonwood (Green)-Conocarpus erectus
Conocarpus erectusYes 161 4.95 3g
Salt, poor soil, and drought tolerant shrub or small tree that can reach 35+ ft. High landscape value. Habitat includes coastal areas such as near mangroves or bay beaches and near upper dunes. Found in Zones 9+. Year-round fruit commonly know by round "button" like balls. Rough bark.
Sun/Salt/Wind/Drought/Poor Soil Tolerance * Landscape Value * Zones 9+
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Cabbage Palm-Sabal palmetto
Sabal palmettoNo 0 13.75 3g
Salt tolerant palm tree that reaches max 100 ft. Used for coastal and upland plantings. Sun, salt, wind, drought, poor soil tolerant. Habitats include prairies, meadows, hammocks, sandy open fields, coastal areas such as back dunes and barrier island landscapes. Landscape value. Found Zones 8+.
Sun/Salt/Wind/Drought/Poor Soil Tolerance * Landscape Value * Tall Height at Maturity
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Dune Sunflower-Helianthus debilis
Helianthus debilisYes 404 2.15 Ln 4
Yes 40 3.30 1g
Perennial groundcover found on beaches and dunes. High tolerance for salt and drought. Prefers well-drained sandy soils and full sunlight. Zones 8+. Yellow flowers attract wildfowl and butterflies.
Sun/Salt/Drought Tolerant * Zones 8+ * Groundcover * Yellow Flowers
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Knotgrass (Seashore Paspalum)-Paspalum vaginatum
Paspalum vaginatumYes 2,545 0.95 Ln 2
No 0 2.50 1g
Salt tolerant coastal grass that reaches max 2.5 ft. Rhizomatous low mats used for coastal soil stabilization. Recognized by its spiked green grass blades and dense colonies. Habitats include: moist to wet coastal sites such as brackish to freshwater shorelines. Sun and salt tolerant. May adapt to upland coastal elevations with slower growth. Found Zones 7+.
Wet/Flood/Salt/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Coastal Shorelines * Soil Stabilization * Dense Mats
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Leather Fern-Acrostichum danaeifolium
Acrostichum danaeifoliumLarge fern, found in both freshwater or brackish habitats. Ideal for bank stablization. Rhizomes are large. Fronds may extend out to 7+ ft. long. Ferns grow along rives, marshes, swamps, lakes, and canals. Up to 10+ ft. tall in shade or full sunglight conditions. Sun tolerant ferns. Zones 9+.
Zones 9+ * Tropical * Salt/Wind/Flood Tolerance * Soil Stabilization * Large Size
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.