Black Mangrove -Avicennia germinans
Avicennia germinansYes 905 8.25 1g
No 0 16.50 3g
Salt tolerant tree that can reach 40 ft. Reduces erosion along coastal shorelines. Zones 9+. Prefers moist-wet conditions. White flowers attract honey bees. Leaves secrete salt through glands. Commonly known for upward spiked breathing roots called pheumatophores
Tropical * Zones 9+ * Salt/Wind/Sun/Flood Tolerance * Soil Stabilization * Large Size
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa
Asclepias tuberosaQuantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Canada Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis
Solidago canadensisQuantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Fakahatchee Grass -Tripsacum dactyloides
Tripsacum dactyloidesYes 419 2.90 1g
Tall, dark green perennial used for habitat restoration and landscapes. Reaches up to 6+ feet in ideal soil and moisture conditions. Found in Zones 7+. Grows alongs margins of wet areas. Flood, moisture and sun tolerance. Requires cutting back just above it base in winter months for landscapes. Recruits quickly and helps stabilize soil on wetland banks.
Sun/Moist/Drought Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Large Size * Landscape Value * Object Screening
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Firebush - Hamelia Patens
Hamelia PatensQuantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.