Lanceleaf Tickseed-Coreopsis lanceolata
Coreopsis lanceolataThis evergreen perennial likes full sun and well-drained soil. Can thrive in poor soils. Bright yellow flowers and grass-green foliage. Good for roadsides and pond banks. Zones 4-9. Coreopsis are the state wildflower of Florida.
Sun/Poor Soil/Drought Tolerance * Zones 4-9 * Yellow Flowers
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Railroad Vine-Ipomoea pes-caprae
Ipomoea pes-capraeA sprawling vine up to 120+ ft. with a brilliant purple flower. Vine is salt, wind, poor soil and drought tolerant. Grows up to 12 inches high. Landscape value in coastal areas. Habitats include coastal areas in Zones 7+, such as dunes and bay beaches. Spreads vegetatively and by seeds in Summer and Fall. Excellent for dune restoration. Attractive to butterflies.
Zones 7+ * Sun/Salt/Wind/Drought/Poor Soil Tolerance * Landscape Value * Southeast
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Sea Purslane-Sesuvium portulacastrum
Sesuvium portulacastrumPerennial evergreen groundcover preferring sandy, well-drained soils. Glossy green leaves. Pink flowers bloom thoughout the year. Found on the ocean-side of dunes. This plant helps build dunes by catching sand in between its stems and leaves. Zones 9+.
Sun/Salt/Drought Tolerant * Zones 9+ * Small Pink Flowers * Groundcover
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Sunshine Mimosa - Mimosa strigillosa
Mimosa strigillosaNo 0 2.50 1g
Evergreen groundcover that grows best in full sun and has moderate salt tolerance. Zones 8+. Pink powder-puff blooms. The rapid spread, dense, mat-like habit and deep root system make this a good plant for erosion control.
Sun/Drought Tolerance * Zones 8+ * Groundcover * Erosion Control * Pink Powderpuff Blooms
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.