Florida Elm -Ulmus americana/floridana
Ulmus americana/floridanaYes 419 8.00 3g
Medium to large deciduous tree that can reach 80+ ft. Prefers moist to wet soils but will adapt to irrigated landscapes. Sun to partial-sun tolerant. Grows in Zones 7-10. Very wide range. Rapid growth rate. Landscape value.
Sun/Partial Sun/Moist Tolerant * Medium to Large Size * Wide Range * Landscape
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Florida Privet-Forestiera segregata
Forestiera segregataLarge salt tolerant shrub to small tree reaches 14+ ft. High landscape value. Tolerates sun, drought, trimming, and various soil conditions. Produces clusters of small yellow flowers. Commonly identified by dense, small evergreen leaves. Fruit provides food source for wildfowl.
Salt/Sun/Drought Tolerance * High Landscape Value * Yellow Flowers * Wildfowl Food
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Gallberry-Ilex glabra
Ilex glabraNo 0 8.00 3g
Perennial, evergreen shrub that reaches 7+ ft. Grows in Zones 7+ in moist to wet conditions. Landscape value and can be trimmed. Small white flowers and small dark berries. Wildlife and insect food source. Forms colonies through roots.
Sun/Wet Tolerance * White Flowers * Landscape Value * Wildlife/Insect Food Source
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Giant Bulrush - Scirpus californicus
Scirpus californicusYes 4,140 1.60 Ln 4
A very large rush that produces long and thick stems that can reach 9+ ft. Found in fresh water marshes and shallow water bodies. Planting depth 2-12 inches. Range includes Zones 7+. Sun and flood tolerance. Spreads quickly, vegetatively and by seed. Inflorescences appear near top of leaf blades.
Wet/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Marshes * Aquatic/Waterfowl Habitat * Giant Size
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Gulf Coast/Giant Spikerush -Eleocharis cellulosa
Eleocharis cellulosaPerennial up to 3 ft., forming large clumps in wetlands such as marshes, swamps, rivers, and streams. Found throughout Florida in Zones 8+. Stems and roots eaten by wildfowl.
Wet/Flood Tolerance * Zones 8+ * Marshes * Swamps * Streams * Waterfowl Food Source
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.