Giant Bulrush - Scirpus californicus
Scirpus californicusYes 4,428 1.75 Ln 4
A very large rush that produces long and thick stems that can reach 9+ ft. Found in fresh water marshes and shallow water bodies. Planting depth 2-12 inches. Range includes Zones 7+. Sun and flood tolerance. Spreads quickly, vegetatively and by seed. Inflorescences appear near top of leaf blades.
Wet/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Marshes * Aquatic/Waterfowl Habitat * Giant Size
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Gulf Coast/Giant Spikerush -Eleocharis cellulosa
Eleocharis cellulosaPerennial up to 3 ft., forming large clumps in wetlands such as marshes, swamps, rivers, and streams. Found throughout Florida in Zones 8+. Stems and roots eaten by wildfowl.
Wet/Flood Tolerance * Zones 8+ * Marshes * Swamps * Streams * Waterfowl Food Source
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Horse Tail-Equisitum hyemale
Equisitum hyemaleYes 2,292 2.10 Ln 4
Yes 1,845 3.60 1g
Perennial up to 3 ft., forming dense clumps in wetlands. Grows in sandy soil. Thrives on nitrates from run off. Found throughout Florida in Zones 8+. Stems and roots eaten by wildfowl and other wildlife. Spreads quickly and may become weedy. One variety native to Florida is Equisitum hyemale.
Moist/Wet/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Dark Green Foliage * Wildfowl/Wildlife Value
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Jointed/Knotted Spikerush -Eleocharis interstincta
Eleocharis interstinctaYes 300 1.55 Ln 4
Perennial up to 3 ft., forming large clumps in wetlands such as marshes, swamps, rivers, and streams. Found throughout Florida in Zones 8+. Stems and roots eaten by wildfowl.
Wet/Flood Tolerance * Zones 8+ * Marshes * Swamps * Streams * Wildfowl Food Source
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Knotgrass (Seashore Paspalum)-Paspalum vaginatum
Paspalum vaginatumYes 3,697 0.95 Ln 2
Yes 300 2.50 1g
Salt tolerant coastal grass that reaches max 2.5 ft. Rhizomatous low mats used for coastal soil stabilization. Recognized by its spiked green grass blades and dense colonies. Habitats include: moist to wet coastal sites such as brackish to freshwater shorelines. Sun and salt tolerant. May adapt to upland coastal elevations with slower growth. Found Zones 7+.
Wet/Flood/Salt/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * Coastal Shorelines * Soil Stabilization * Dense Mats
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.