Alligator Flag/Fireflag-Thalia geniculata
Thalia geniculataNo 0 1.55 Ln 4
A large perennial with wide fan like leaves that can reach 9+ ft. Found in wetlands, ditches, swales, and wet pastures. Plants are commonly recognized by tall seed heads and brown coloring during dye backs in winter. Planting depth 0-2 inches. Range includes Zones 9+. Sun to part sun and flood tolerance. Spreads quickly vegetatively and by seed.
Wet/Sun Tolerance * Marshes * Wetlands * Large Size * Zone 9+
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Arrow Arum-Peltandra virginica
Peltandra virginicaYes 2,114 1.90 Ln 4
Perennial with wide "arrow" shaped leaves to 3 ft. Found in various wet areas. Earthy colored berries. Planting depth 3-12 inches. Found in Zones 8-11. Sun to partial-sun and flood tolerance. Wildfowl value.
Wet/Flood/Sun Tolerance * Zones 8+ * 3-12″ Planting Depth * Attractive Foliage
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Arrowhead / Duck Potato-Sagittaria latifolia
Sagittaria latifoliaYes 4,698 1.55 Ln 4
Perenial with "arrow head" shaped leaves that can reach 3+ ft. Found in wetlands, lakes, ponds, ditches, and wet swales. Planting depth 3-12 inches. Range includes Zones 7+. Sun-part sun and flood tolerance. Three petaled white flower on long stem. Helps pull phosphates and nitrates from water and improve water quality. Often planted with Pickerelweed.
Wet/Flood/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * 3-12″ Planting Depth * Wetlands * White Flowers
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Arrowhead Lance Leaf-Sagittaria lancifolia
Sagittaria lancifoliaNo 0 1.55 Ln 4
Perenial with "lance" shaped leaves that can reach 3+ ft. Found in wetlands, lakes, ponds, ditches, and wet swales. Planting depth 3-12 inches. Range includes Zones 7+. Sun-part sun and flood tolerance. Three petaled white flower on long stem. Helps pull phosphates and nitrates from water and improve water quality. Often planted with Pickerelweed.
Wet/Flood/Sun Tolerance * Zones 7+ * 3-12″ Planting Depth * Wetlands * White Flowers
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.
Bald Cypress-Taxodium distichum
Taxodium distichumYes 1,572 6.60 3g
Medium to large deciduous tree that can reach 120+ ft. Prefers moist to wet soils but will adapt to irrigated landscapes. Leaves change color in Fall and are longer and wider on mature plants than Pond Cypress. Sun tolerant. Grows in Zones 7+. Landscape value, especially around lake and pond margins. Known as Florida's Redwood.
Sun/Moist/Wet Tolerance * Medium-Large Size * Ponds and Lakes * Landscape
(zone map)Quantity Discounts are available. Call for Details.