
Aquatic Plants of Florida


National Day of Service at Fort De Soto Park

September 11th, 2010

ST. PETERSBURG, FL - September 11, 2010 – Aquatic Plants of Florida, Inc. today particpated in a day of service with Sierra Club members at Fort De Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. Volunteers attended the event and successfully planted over 10,000 beach grass or commonly known as sea oats to help stablize sand along the park’s shoreline.  

The largest park within the Pinellas County Park System, Fort De Soto park consists of 1,136 acres made up of five interconnected islands (keys). These keys are home to beach plants, mangroves, wetlands, palm hammocks, hardwoods and scores of native plants. More info is available at www.pinellascounty.org/park/05_Ft_DeSoto.htm.

Sand dunes are built up with the help of dune vegetation such as sea oats, which slows sand as its moved by wind and water across beaches. Dunes can help protect upland structures during storm events and serve as important habitat for flora and fauna.

Since 1892, the Sierra Club has been working to protect communities, wild places, and the planet itself. Sierra Club is the largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. Additional info is available at www.sierraclub.org.
