
Aquatic Plants of Florida


Lagoon House Volunteer Day

October 21st, 2011

PALM BAY, FL – October 21, 2011 – Aquatic Plants of Florida, Inc. to participate with Anglers for Conservation, Florida Power and Light, the Marine Resources Council, and the City of Palm Bay in a community project at the Lagoon House in Brevard County, FL on Saturday October 22, 9AM -12PM EST.

After a ceremonial groundbreaking event, volunteers will spend time maintaining the property and planting native trees and grasses donated by Aquatic Plants of Florida around the Lagoon House building, a stormwater retention pond, and adjacent areas.

Plant species to be included on the ECOSCAPE DAY volunteer initiative are Bald Cypress, Dahoon Holly, Laurel Oak, Sand Cordgrass, Soft Rush, Giant Bulrush, Muhly Grass, and Black Needlerush.

About Lagoon House

The Lagoon House serves as the welcome center for the Indian River Lagoon National Scenic Byway. It is a scenic corridor that includes three national wildlife refuges, dozens of national, state and local parks and preserves, hundreds of historical buildings, links 17 cities and two counties and begins right in Palm Bay.

About Anglers for Conservation

The Anglers for Conservation is a non-profit organization with regional chapters representing sport fishing anglers everywhere who share our interest and concerns for marine and estuarine habitats, water quality and the many factors affecting recreational sport fishing.

The AFC’s mission is to create a new generation of marine stewards using community-based angling education, habitat restoration and applied conservation science. Through funding from individual donors and grants from foundations and the government, the AFC offers its programs to various groups in the general public and community. More info is available at http://www.anglersforconservation.org.

To volunteer, please call (321) 725-7775 or email council@mrcirl.org.