UF/IFAS Sarasota County Native Wildflower Seed Production Workshop
October 4th, 2006
The workshop provided an introduction to the FL native wildflower seed industry that has emerged since the late 1990s to address the large demand of regionally adapted, premium-priced seed of wildflowers and grasses.
Approximately 40 attendees received an introduction to the UF/IFAS Wildflower Program at NFREC-Quincy by Jeff Norcini (IFAS NFREC) and Dr. Rob Kluson (UF/IFAS, Sarasota County Extension). Speakers provided technical information about FL native wildflower seed production to meet the needs of a diverse audience including extension agents, current and future growers, and local organization or agencies that deal with small farmers who are considering alternative crop opportunities.
Presentations included specific information on the economics, markets for seed, and research results dealing with fertilization, weed control, storage and testing. Attendees traveled to a seed cleaning facility for a demonstration and a native plant farm for an introduction of wildflower farmscaping as an alternative crop opportunity. Everyone had opportunities for networking among regional extension agents, growers, and local organizations.
More information about this event and future events is available at http://sarasota.extension.ufl.edu/.