
Aquatic Plants of Florida


About Us

Aquatic Plants of Florida was created in 1994 to help both public and private entities meet water quality and wetland restoration regulations established in the Reauthorization of the Clean Water Act.

One of the industry’s earliest providers of wholesale native plants and trees, APF has grown to be one of the largest suppliers in the Southeast.

Protecting and restoring wetlands, including coastal habitats such as beaches and inter-tidal estuaries, ensures our planet’s resilient ecosystems remain productive and in balance for the flora and fauna dependent on them. Wetland plant species provide a primary connection between the base of our domestic food chain and higher forms of animal and plant life. They also improve water quality of our local rivers, lakes and bays by functioning as nature’s cleansing agents.

APF grows native plants that are important to our communities’ success, and preservation of remaining wetlands. Our staff has the experience and knowledge to successfully complete restoration projects.

APF is an approved equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and a fully bondable company with multi-million dollar insurance coverage.