
Aquatic Plants of Florida


3rd National Conference – Restore America’s Estuaries, Louisiana

December 9th, 2006

Restore America’s Estuaries Newsletter – January 2007
Aquatic Plants of Florida, Inc. attended the 5-day conference, which offered over 82 sessions exploring the latest advances in all aspects of habitat restoration – from planning and design to monitoring and evaluation.

The conference drew participants from throughout the world – including China, Belgium, The Netherlands, Vietnam, New Zealand, Nigeria, England, and Canada. Participants represented all segments of the restoration community, including businesses and corporations, governments, tribes, non-profit organizations, and scientific and academic professionals.

Conference Highlights:

- More than 1,400 members of the restoration community attended;
- 175 Poster Presentations;
- 140 Exhibitors in the Restoration Expo; and,
- 205 Sponsors and Partners

The event was said to be the largest gathering to date of public, private, and non-profit interests working to restore our nation’s coasts. President and CEO of Restore America’s Estuaries, Mark Wolf, said of the event, “The powerful voices and compelling ideas emerging from this conference will undoubtedly boost the national debate and imperative to restore our coasts and estuaries to new heights.”